My absolute favorite part of this job is when a client returns to you the following year for family portraits. Krissy and Mike have become good friends of ours since we meet a few long years ago! This year we were finally able to do some fall pictures instead of winter ones! It also helped that fall lasted until November 🙂 We both thought Pioneers Park would be a great setting for these photos. It is such a beautiful park and has lots of space for the kids to run around in. Along with getting the family pictures, we were also celebrating Jameson’s first birthday! He loved being on the go, so we got a lot of action shots 🙂 Enjoy!
These three kids adore their dad. It was not very hard to get some good smiles out of them. Ellie, Brooke and Jameson are pretty lucky to have a dad that can make them laugh at the drop of a dime!
We were able to get some of Krissy and each of the kids also. They are so lucky to have her as a mom. Krissy loves being involved with anything she can! She enjoys watching Ellie’s basketball games, helps sell girl scout cookies, and enjoys every minute with them! Kids, you are loved so very much ♥
In the middle of the shoot, we tried to get a few of Jameson! The wind was pretty strong that day at Pioneers Park, so his light hair just blew in the wind. At least it made for a good laugh 🙂
This is Brooke’s personality 110% . She was so much fun to work with. Such a goof, but absolutely loved to show off in front of the camera and loved to be around Jameson. She is a ball full of energy and I loved every minute of it!
Ellie has grown up into a beautiful young lady. She enjoys basketball and is a wonderful helper to her siblings. They definitely look up to her and she is a great role model 🙂
I can’t believe that it has already been over a year since I did Jameson’s newborn photos. I am so blessed to get to spend some fun time with this family and their kids. Pioneers Park treated us great this year. Everyone had such a good time playing in the leaves and running around. I can’t wait to see how these kids continue to grow!