Our final day trip in Sydney was the Taronga Zoo. We at our typically breakfast spot, The Bean Temple and I had tried Vegimate. Honestly, can’t say that it is my favorite at all!! We walked down to Darling Harbour and took a ferry over to Taronga Zoo. The first thing we did was eat some lunch. I had a pineapple burger. The zoo was pretty large and was a lot of fun to see. I love going to the Omaha zoo and this was no different. We were able to see Koalas, Elephants, Wallabys, Himalayan Tahr, and monkeys. One thing that was neat was that you were in the same cage as the Wallabies. They were close enough to touch.
I loved capturing the animals at this zoo. I loved how most of them were active and awake. Once we were finished we went back to the ferry, but missed it by a few minutes and had to wait another hour for the next one. If you check out the first post, you will see a few photos of the rest of our evening, which was going to the Matilda show and eating supper at Hard Rock Cafe. Once the show was over, we walked back to our hotel packed our bags and went to sleep, only to get up early for a flight to Aukland, New Zealand.