Natalie and Halle are the cutest sisters.  Halle loves teaching Natalie all of the fun things in life like how to draw with sidewalk chalk and how to collect sticks.  It was so fun doing these photos for Natalie because I love seeing how much they have grown.  From three to six months is a huge difference!  Natalie was so close to sitting up but just wasn’t quite there yet!  She loved laying on her tummy and was such a giggly little girl.  Halle loves being a big sister and is such a good little helper.  She also loves being in front of the camera!  These sisters look so much alike, in my opinion.  I know they will have completely different personalities, but they are just so cute now!

SmilesBig Sister

Nebraska Portrait Photographer Sisters6 months oldSistersNebraska Portrait Photographer6 months oldSistersHolmes Lake, Lincoln NEHolmes Lake, Lincoln NElaughterSmiles6 month old photos

Over the past few weeks, since the nice summer weather has finally arrived, the sisters have been outside playing more.  I love it when we all get together and watch the neighbor kids play.  All of the girls get along so well!  Natalie even loves the attention and is definitely getting more active.  I can’t wait for her nine month shoot because I bet she will be crawling up a storm!  Until next time 🙂
