This family has a very special place in my heart. Claire and Antonio were my very first wedding clients. They were so fun to work with on their special day and were even more fun to work with for their family photos. I was so glad that they were up for anything. We went to the State Capitol because we had incorporated it into their engagement photos and wedding photos. Plus they had a newborn and it was a bit chilly outside. When we made it outside to take a few final images, Saima loved running around and playing games. You have to be ready at any moment! I am so glad that Claire was so relaxed and let the kids be kids. The only way we could get a photo with or of Saima, was of her playing swords. We pretended we were in a castle and there was moat around us. It really was so fun getting to interact with her. Sessions at the State Capitol are always so fun and a great setting for their photos!
I am so grateful to have such amazing and fun clients. I also love seeing the love that this family has for each other, especially the love between Claire and Antonio. It is truly a special thing and I am so blessed to be a party of it. Thanks for sharing your story with me:)