Bailey, our Golden Retriever is the head of the house. She is 13 years old, blind and going deaf. Even though she has all sorts of issues, she is one of the happiest and most friendly dogs that I have met. Her favorite hobbies include sleeping for 20 hours a day, and laying right in the middle of the kitchen floor. When Ryan and I do any cooking, baking, or just opening up a bag of chips, she will be right by your feet. Her favorite human food is chips AND dip! Bailey, our Golden Retriever also loves to be wherever Ryan is. She will search the house up and down and even outside until she can find him. If he is in the garage she wants to be there also. If he is taking a nap, she will be right by his side snoring just as loud. Here are a few photos of our beloved, Bailey that my husband and I took.
Even though she hardly listens to me and can be a real pain sometimes, I wouldn’t trade her for any other dogs. She is such a special dog and has a very special place in my heart. I know for sure that Ryan and her are best friends and seeing that loyalty that she has to him is pretty amazing. She has taught me to have more patience and also to be more loving. A dog will love you unconditionally and that is just pretty cool.