April Showers bring May Flowers! I am excited for all of the Spring weather coming up and all of our Spring projects that we have going on! Also, May is the beginning of wedding season for me and I am so excited to see all of my beautiful clients tie the knot 🙂
1. What book am listening to?
I am listening to How to Be a Bawse by Lilly Singh. I started it on my drive down to Lawrence for an engagement session. Lilly does such a great job reading the book and it has so much GIRL POWER info and it seems like a great book so far!
2. Ryan and I had our first storm chase of the season!
We went out just south of Lincoln for our first chase of the season. We watched a beautiful lightning storm and got some really awesome photos! I will do a blog post at the end of the season, but here are a few teasers 🙂
3. Julie’s Update
Last year, we had some great news that Julie was in remission and was doing great after going through her third battle with cancer. She went back to the Mayo for a routine exam and the CT scans came back clean, however the skin on her chest wall did not portray that. They did 12 more biopsies and all 12 of them came back positive. So we were back to square one again except she cannot do any more radiation or chemo because she is maxed out. The last option is a clinical trial. Please send prayers that this option will work for her and she can finally kick this horrible cancer once and for all!
4. Wedding Emails!
I am excited to say that I am finally done with some great email templates for my Wedding clients this year! I put together a few really helpful tips and pieces of information for my clients! I also have a great list of referrals and I can’t wait to see where my business grows and who all I will end up meeting and working with this year!!
5. Our Neighborhood
Our neighborhood is changing! A great neighbor has decided to move to Arizona and will be putting their house on the Market in the next few days! As much as I hate to see them go, I am also getting more and more excited to see who we will getting as new neighbors. My husband is also working hard on our home with tearing out and planting some new trees and also building a new fence. I can’t wait to see the end result!