It really doesn’t seem like two years ago, I took this trip up to Rochester, Minnesota to visit my good friend Julie for her appointments at the Mayo. As some of you know, she has a very rare form of cancer called Radiation Induced AngioSarcoma. It can’t be seen on the MRI or PET Scans, but can only be determined by the looks of her skin and biopsies. In July of 2016, I was able to see first hand the course of action the Mayo Clinic has taken to keep her alive and to keep the cancer from spreading. It has been a very long journey, but Julie is one of the strongest woman I know. She pushes on day after day and always tries to stay positive.
A year later, Julie and I made the trek up to Rochester one more time. Her appointments are every other week and has had different friends and family go up with her each time. This last trip was a very quick trip. We didn’t do much site seeing since it was dark when we arrived and then left the day after her treatments. This coming May, I will be taking her up there again. We will be leaving on a Wednesday afternoon to arrive in time for one appointment Thursday morning and then the rest of her treatments will be on Friday. I am so excited to have a full day to explore more of this beautiful city with a good friend!
Here are a few photos from our trip in 2016!
Silver Lake
Mayowood Stone Barn
Mayo Clinic
Lake City Marina
Slippery’s Bar and Grill
The Eagle Center
The drive to Nelson over the Mississippi River
The Nelson Creamery – The only place to buy cheese and Wisconsin Beer!
Soldiers Field Veterans Memorial
Lark Toys – One of my favorite spots 🙂
I love getting to spend time with Julie, I do wish it was under different circumstances. This is year going to be a very difficult year, just like the last. I continue to ask for prayers and good thoughts that this clinical trial will work for Julie and they find a cure. Our hopes are still up 🙂